Safety and Health

The Nissha Group has established a Basic Policy for Occupational Health and Safety and Basic Principles for Occupational Health and Safety which outlines specific actions and disciplines, and has informed all employees of their content, aiming to ensure the health and safety of all people involved in our business activities.

Occupational Safety and Health Policy

Nissha Group places safety first in its business activities and continues to actively work on areas such as improving the working environments and health of Nissha People, remaining a company where Nissha People can remain healthy in both physical and mental.

Junya Suzuki
Chairman of the Board and Group CEO
Nissha Co., Ltd.

Occupational Safety and Health Principles

  1. We shall strive to eliminate and reduce risks through increasing risk sensitivity and responding to changes for achieving “zero accidents”.
  2. We shall promote measures related to health and promote the maintenance and improvement of both physical and mental health.
  3. We shall introduce appropriate management resources to ensure the safety and promote the health of Nissha People, and work to improve their effectiveness.
  4. We shall ensure the safety of Nissha People by having them mutually interact and act with discipline.
  5. We shall construct a management system and promote continuous improvements to suit changes in the business environment.
  6. We shall comply with relevant laws and regulations, act with integrity, and create a safe culture.

Satoshi Aoki
Senior Vice President, General Affairs
Nissha Co., Ltd.

Established on April 1, 2007
Revised on January 1, 2025

Safety and Health Management System

Under the Risk Management and Compliance Committee, the Nissha Group in Japan operates an environmental occupational health and safety management system that includes compliance with items required by customers and by laws and regulations, based on the ISO14001 Environmental Management System and the ISO45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System. We formulated an action plan to achieve our targets, and in addition to repeating the PDCA cycle with an eye to sustained improvements, we are striving to implement assessments through regular internal audits and management reviews. The Safety and Health Committees established at each base are formed from representatives from the bases, such as the safety manager and the health manager, along with employee representative members selected from the Nissha Crew Alliance (labor union) and workplaces. The Committee is responsible for responding to occupational accidents and implementing corrective measures, as well as bringing about safe and comfortable workplaces.

The Nissha Group in Japan manages the progress of safety and health objectives, conducts safety and health risk assessments at workplaces, takes measures to prevent the recurrence of occupational accidents, monitors the number of accidents and the results of working environment measurements, and conducts internal audits and takes corrective action. The progress of these activities is reported at management review report meetings that all bases participate in. At the end of the fiscal year, a review is held on whether the management system is functioning effectively and to link it to activities for the next fiscal year as part of the PDCA cycle.


The Nissha Group in Japan has set safety and health targets in line with our Occupational Safety and Health Policy and Occupational Safety and Health Principles, and are developing a range of occupational accident prevention activities with the goal of zero occupational accidents over the three-year period linked with the Medium-term Business Plan.
  • Workplace Risk Reduction - Risk Assessment
  • Safety Patrols

Safety Slogan

We created a safety slogan to raise awareness of safety with the aim of eradicating occupational accidents. This slogan is displayed at all of our production bases in Japan and overseas.

Safety Slogan

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