- Sustainability
- Governance
- Risk Management and Compliance
Risk Management and Compliance
Through our Risk Management and Compliance Committee, and based on our Risk Management Policy, the Nissha Group conducts centralized management over risks that hinder business operations. Once a year, based on the business models for each company and the business organizations, we prioritize and appropriately control risks that could hinder the continuity of business activities for all companies, in cooperation with the departments and subcommittees that have primary responsibility for risk.
Risk Management Policy
Nissha Group strives to accurately identify the risks we face, avoid unexpected loss, and appropriately control risks, thereby ensuring business continuity and enhancing our corporate value toward realizing the enrichment of people’s lives by creating technology and developing it into economic and social value.
- We build and maintain a structure for responding to the various risks present in our business environment.
- We promote risk management at the managerial level toward conducting organization-wide activities and preserving management resources.
- In the event of an emergency, we work to minimize damage, resume business activities as quickly as possible, and prevent recurrence.
- We conduct in-house training to enhance awareness of and the ability to respond to risks, and ensure that each employ takes responsible, swift, and appropriate action.
- We periodically review our risk management structure, including this policy, and make improvements on a continuous basis to ensure effective risk management at all times.
Junya Suzuki
Chairman of the Board and Group CEO
Nissha Co., Ltd.
Established on July 1, 2015
Revised on January 1, 2022
Chairman of the Board and Group CEO
Nissha Co., Ltd.
Established on July 1, 2015
Revised on January 1, 2022
The Group has sets “Act with Integrity” (We act with integrity and maintain the trust placed in us) as one of the Shared Values that are principle of employee behavior. And we declared that each officer and employee should act in good faith and continue to be a trusted company. We established the Corporate Ethics and Compliance Guidelines, which sets out the basic ideas concerning corporate ethics and compliance that each officer and employee is expected to follow.
Corporate Ethics and Compliance Guidelines
Nissha Group acts according to the “Principles” in order to realize the enrichment of people’s lives by always creating technology and developing it into economic and social value.
- We value and hold on to high ethical standards, integrity in our actions, and act with good common sense through our responsible behavior.
- We pursue the Co-existence with the Stakeholders including our customers, shareholders, suppliers, local communities and our employees.
- We will comply with all laws and regulations, internal corporate regulations, and socially accepted rules and norms, also act according to “Corporate Ethics and Code of Conduct”.
- If we witness any actions contrary to the “Corporate Ethics and Code of Conduct " or are suspicious of certain behaviors or decisions, we should immediately report to and consult with our supervisors.
Junya Suzuki
Chairman of the Board and Group CEO
Nissha Co., Ltd.
Established on April 1, 2012
Revised on January 1, 2022
Chairman of the Board and Group CEO
Nissha Co., Ltd.
Established on April 1, 2012
Revised on January 1, 2022
Nissha has established a Risk Management and Compliance Committee chaired by Director of the Board, Senior Executive Vice President (in charge of legal affairs) and composed of all in-house Directors of the Board. The Risk Management and Compliance Committee holds a general meeting once a year and progress confirmation meetings every quarter, and reports to the Board of Directors each year on the status of activities. The Board of Directors oversees the activities of the Risk Management and Compliance Committee, discusses reports from the Committee, and gives improvement instructions as necessary.
Risk Assessments
The Risk Management and Compliance Committee carries out risk assessments. The lead departments or subcommittees that manage the key risks selected through this risk assessment set Key Performance Indicators and action items, and work to mitigate these risks through their activities.
We aim to conduct risk reduction that is even more in line with business activities. In addition to the Headquarters Corporate Division risk assessment, risk priority levels will be considered in business units and affiliated companies as well. General Managers will select key risks, taking into account the process of confirming appropriateness from a business management perspective.
In the fiscal year ended December 2024, as a result of the risk assessment, the Nissha Group in Japan has chosen as key risks fair business practices, labor and human rights, product and service quality and safety, medical product and service quality and safety, supply chain management, information systems, and business continuity. The Nissha Group overseas has selected labor and human rights, financial affairs information systems and business continuity.
We aim to conduct risk reduction that is even more in line with business activities. In addition to the Headquarters Corporate Division risk assessment, risk priority levels will be considered in business units and affiliated companies as well. General Managers will select key risks, taking into account the process of confirming appropriateness from a business management perspective.
In the fiscal year ended December 2024, as a result of the risk assessment, the Nissha Group in Japan has chosen as key risks fair business practices, labor and human rights, product and service quality and safety, medical product and service quality and safety, supply chain management, information systems, and business continuity. The Nissha Group overseas has selected labor and human rights, financial affairs information systems and business continuity.
Promotion of Corporate Ethics and Compliance
The Risk Management and Compliance Committee promotes corporate ethics and compliance activities throughout the entire Nissha Group. All Nissha Group bases in Japan and overseas appoint managers in charge of promoting corporate ethics and compliance.
Company-wide Simultaneous Training, etc.
The Group designates every October and November as Corporate Ethics and Compliance Months, and provides groupwide training at all bases in Japan and overseas. This simultaneous training is provided not just for full-time, contract, and temporary employees, but for managers of subcontractors and even part-timers.
Officer Training, etc.
At the Nissha Group, in addition to company-wide simultaneous training, we also hold compliance training designed for officers.
The Nissha Group in Japan has in place an Internal Reporting Code and a hotline based on the Whistleblower Protection Act for the purposes of quickly identifying the facts about illegal, unfair, or unethical conduct by an organization or individual, minimizing the risk of a crisis, promoting ethical and legal compliance, and ultimately enhancing our corporate value.
For overseas locations as well, in addition to already operating report acceptance services for some group companies in China and the Southeast Asian region, we commenced the operation of report acceptance services in some North American and European bases starting in the fiscal year ended December 2023.
For overseas locations as well, in addition to already operating report acceptance services for some group companies in China and the Southeast Asian region, we commenced the operation of report acceptance services in some North American and European bases starting in the fiscal year ended December 2023.