Sponsoring of the special exhibition
"Wonderland of Buddhist Hell Scenes"

July 3, 2017

Nissha Printing Co.,Ltd.

Nissha Printing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "Nissha") performs activity for the purpose of "Promotion and support of arts and culture" advocating in the Basic Social Contribution Policy.
As the part, Nissha is sponsoring the special exhibition "Wonderland of Buddhist Hell Scenes" in Mitsui Memorial Museum from July 15 to September 3, 2017.
This exhibition is a traveling exhibition and next venue will be Ryukoku Museum, Kyoto.

The special exhibition "Wonderland of Buddhist Hell Scenes" Overview
Hell and paradise in Buddhist world view were given a concrete image by "Ōjōyōshū" written by Genshin in the Heian era, and a variety of works such as paintings and sculptures were created. Through the art of hell and paradise at this exhibition, we will follow the views of life and death from Japanese people. Especially after the early modern era, we will also focus on "Fun Buddhist Hell Scenes" drawn by the private sector and Shigeru Mizuki "Nonnonba Hell Tour". We would like you to enjoy “Wonderland of Buddhist Hell Scenes”.
(*Quotation from Mitsui Memorial Museum website)

Nissha Exhibition Sponsoring

Exhibition Overview

Period July 15 to September 3, 2017
Closed on Mondays, July 18
Exception: Open on July 17, August 14
Hours of opening 10:00-17:00
Fridays until 19:00
Admission by 30 minutes of before closing
Venue Mitsui Memorial Museum
Official website “Wonderland of Buddhist Hell Scenes”(Japanese only)
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