Awarded Good Design Award 2015
September 29, 2015
Nissha Printing Co.,Ltd.
“Aerial Switch” which is developed by Nissha Printing Co., Ltd. received Good Design Award 2015. Aerial Switch is self-powered wireless switching device. It would be placed without power line freely that works on glass partition in the buildings. No wiring could work to reduce cost by short set up and saving materials.
Evaluated point: It would be placed without power line freely that works on glass partition in the buildings.
Prize Category: Interior and exterior.
Evaluated point: It would be placed without power line freely that works on glass partition in the buildings.
Prize Category: Interior and exterior.
Aerial Switch
Participation in the G Exhibition
We participate in an exhibition of the year’s winning designs, the G Exhibition. It is widely attended by the design industry, as well as by distributors, members of the press, students, international guests and inspectors, and the public. It is an ideal opportunity to appeal to a large number and variety of people.
[G Exhibition 2015]
Period:Octobre 30th- November 4th
Venue:Tokyo Midtown
[G Exhibition 2015]
Period:Octobre 30th- November 4th
Venue:Tokyo Midtown
About Good Design Award
The Good Design Award is a comprehensive design-promotion system that picks good design out of a variety of unfolding phenomena, and aims to enrich our lives, industries, and society as a whole by highlighting and celebrating these works. It is hosted by the Japan Institute for Design Promotion, a public interest incorporated foundation. It’s precursor, the Good Design Selection System (or G Mark System), was founded in 1957 by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (the current Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), and has been engaged in this work for about 60 years. Submissions come from a wide range of fields, and roughly 1200 designs are recognized every year. Over 59 years, around 42,000 designs have been recognized by the awards. Recipients of a Good Design Award are granted use of the G Mark symbol, which has been an emblem of good design for over half a century.
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