Study programs held at local child care centers and elementary schools
March 14, 2013
Nissha Printing Co.,Ltd.
Nissha Printing Co., Ltd. and Nissha Group company employees, mainly from production bases within Japan, conduct study programs at local child care centers and elementary schools. In the second half of fiscal year 2013, study sessions were held in Kyoto City, where Nissha is headquartered, as well as in Koka City in Shiga Prefecture, Tsu City in Mie Prefecture, and Kaga City in Ishikawa Prefecture.
October 17, 2012 | Kaga City Midorigaoka Elementary School / participated by 17 students jointly from 4th and 5th grade |
October 23, 2012 | Kyoto City Shichijo Elementary School / participated by 78 students of 4th grade |
November 2, 2012 | Kaga City Kurosaki Elementary School / participated by 4 studens of 4th grade |
November 20, 2012 | Kaga City Sugatani Elementary School / participated by 27 students jointly from 3rd and 6th grade |
January 24, 2013 | Tsu City Ishinden Elementary School / participated by 125 students of 3rd grade |
February 13, 2013 | Kyoto City Suzaku Dai Nana Elementary School / participated by 50 students fof 3rd grade |
February 15, 2015 | Koka City Konan Kita Child Care Center / participated by 60 students aged between 3 and 5 |
Separating waste for recycling
Group work for experiments
Environmental quizzes
The study programs are designed to give participants an enjoyable learning experience through quizzes and group sessions on topics such as the environment ("What can we do to protect the environment") and printing technologies including printing on paper and touch-screen manufacturing (participants are introduced to printing techniques and manufacturing methods at Nissha).
The Kaga Factory of Nitec Precision, Inc. has been conducting study programs at local schools since fiscal year 2009. As of fiscal year 2013, programs were held in all elementary schools in Kaga City.
The Tsu Factory of Nitec Industries, Inc. began conducting study programs in 2009, during the preparatory stage prior to start of operations at the plant, and has been strengthening its bonds with elementary schools in the area.
In this fiscal year, the Nissha Group has held study programs at ten schools in all, participated by 511 children. We are committed to continue conducting these programs in the future and engage in activities that will enhance communication with local communities.
The Kaga Factory of Nitec Precision, Inc. has been conducting study programs at local schools since fiscal year 2009. As of fiscal year 2013, programs were held in all elementary schools in Kaga City.
The Tsu Factory of Nitec Industries, Inc. began conducting study programs in 2009, during the preparatory stage prior to start of operations at the plant, and has been strengthening its bonds with elementary schools in the area.
In this fiscal year, the Nissha Group has held study programs at ten schools in all, participated by 511 children. We are committed to continue conducting these programs in the future and engage in activities that will enhance communication with local communities.
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