Introduction of Line to verify mass productivity for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells to Himeji Factory
May 18, 2011
Nissha Printing Co.,Ltd.
Nissha Printing Co., Ltd. will introduce a line to verify mass productivity for dye-sensitized solar cells to the premise of its group company, Nitec Precision and Technologies, Inc. (Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan). Carrying in of the facilities will be completed at the end of May 2011 and the operation will be started from the beginning of June 2011.
1.Introduction schedule
End of May 2011: Carrying in of the facilities will be completed.
Beginning of June 2011: The operation will be started.
2.Purpose of the introduction of the line to verify mass productivity
To verify the technology for automating the production process of dye-sensitized solar cells.
Our module sample was provided to Shimane Prefecture on August 2010 to promote the "green decentralization reforms" (verification test on the application of solar panels to greenhouses). It was verified that a stable voltage can be obtained regardless of the incidence angle of the sun.
1.Introduction schedule
End of May 2011: Carrying in of the facilities will be completed.
Beginning of June 2011: The operation will be started.
2.Purpose of the introduction of the line to verify mass productivity
To verify the technology for automating the production process of dye-sensitized solar cells.
Our module sample was provided to Shimane Prefecture on August 2010 to promote the "green decentralization reforms" (verification test on the application of solar panels to greenhouses). It was verified that a stable voltage can be obtained regardless of the incidence angle of the sun.
A greenhouse for which solar panels are used
4.Future schedule
We would like to achieve the provision to products in FY2013. The mass production will be decided in consideration of the trend of the market.
We would like to achieve the provision to products in FY2013. The mass production will be decided in consideration of the trend of the market.
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